Don McCune Library

Marmes: Old Man of the Palouse

Marmes: Old Man of the Palouse
80 minutes - $24.95

More than three decades before Kennewick Man was found less than 50 miles away, human remains were uncovered in a rock shelter documenting habitation by man back 12,000 years! This program has not been seen for 40 years.

Marmes Part 1
25 minutes - 1968

This adventure weaves together two stories: the impact of the archaeological find on man's heritage and the race to preserve the evidence before it is covered by the floodwaters of the future. An obscure and isolated area of SE Washington State was catapulted into world recognition by the find of the oldest human remains in the new world, the longest record of occupancy and the oldest evidence of cremation. This episode was carefully restored from digital transfers of the original film and soundtrack.

Marmes Part 2
25 minutes - 1968

Concluding this two-part documentary, McCune tells of the impact of the find on the study of ancient man and the problems involved in saving the site from the floodwaters of Lower Monumental Dam. At the archaeological camp and digging site, scientists piece together man's heritage with skeletons and artifacts up to 12,000 years old. This episode was carefully restored from digital transfers of the original film and soundtrack.

River Patrol
1978 - 30 minutes

On the upper Columbia and Snake Rivers, the 13 th Coast Guard District oversees boating education, law enforcement, search and rescue, with the pleasure boating public as the primary objective. They rely heavily on the Coast Guard Auxiliary, volunteers who lend a hand whenever possible. The film crew re-visits the Marmes Rock Shelter along the Snake River, after the valley had been flooded by Lower Monumental Dam, to summarize the above film of the amazing archaeological finds of early man here over a decade earlier.